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Declaration of Truth: God knows more than me!

God knows more than me, He wants what’s best for me, and He has a plan for me, so I will rest in His reliability. ⁠

This is a Declaration of Truth I say over my life: ⁠

Truth statements have become one of the key spiritual disciplines that help me replace the enemy’s lies with the Truth of God’s Word. Every one of my declarations is rooted in Scripture: ⁠

This one comes from the story of Noah in Scripture. ⁠

Genesis 7:5 So Noah did everything as the Lord commanded him.⁠ Everything! ⁠

God asks Noah to build a boat the size of a cruise ship because He’s going to flood the world, and he does it. ⁠

God tells him to bring a pair of all the animals onto the boat, seven pairs of certain animals, plus all the food for them and his family. He does it. ⁠

Then, not only does Noah build the boat and get the animals, but God tells him to get on it and wait 7 days for the rain to come. And he does it! ⁠

As I studied this story, I said, “Noah had to conclude that God knows more than me, He wants what’s best for me, and He has a plan for me, so I’m going to rest in His reliability.”⁠

I don’t always understand what God is doing, but I can always trust Him. That’s what this statement says to me. ⁠

Truth statements like these are much more than self-help or positive affirmations. Truth statements are just that…TRUTH! ⁠

Scripture tells us that the enemy is the father of lies. He uses those lies to distract us, derail us, and destroy us. The only way lies are defeated is by replacing them with Truth.⁠

Say it! Believe it! Live it! God knows more than me, He wants what’s best for me, and He has a plan for me, so I will rest in His reliability. ⁠