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Tuesday Leadership Tid-Bit

img_0164Are the people you lead happy that you lead them?

Leading people is different than leading people who are happy that you lead them. 

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I’ve always been struck by one verse in 1 Kings.  Solomon has been handed the throne by his Father, David.  God has gifted him with more wisdom than any other recorded individual and more wealth than perhaps anyone who has ever lived.  His kingdom is firmly established and thriving when the Queen of Sheba comes to visit.  She had heard of his wisdom and wealth but wanted to see it for herself.  After visiting the Kingdom and seeing the extent of Solomons reign, the Queen is recorded saying this:

1 Kings 10:8  How happy your people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom!

It makes me ask questions like:  When I walk in the room of people I lead how does it make them feel?  When I ask for a meeting with someone I lead, what is their first response?  When I prepare a sermon, leadership talk or all staff challenge, what are people silently thinking?

Leading people is different than leading people who are happy you lead them!  I want to lead in a way that causes people to be happy!