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Is Christ Set Apart In Your Heart?

On Sunday here at Element Church we started a new sermon series on marriage and relationships called “Happily Never Happened!”  Regardless of what studies you look at, across the board it is shown that about 50% of all marriages, 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages end in…

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Be Courageous…and WAIT!!

Waiting and courage seem like polar opposites don’t they? We typically think of courage as an action word. When someone takes a risk, steps out in faith, stands up to injustice, sacrifices themselves, whatever it is…that is what we think of as courage. So why the challenge to wait? This…

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Brand New Thing

On Sunday October 7th, 2007, Element Church officially launched her full public ministry here in Cheyenne.  It all started on a promise from God found in Isaiah 43:18-19, “But forget all that!  It is nothing compared to what I am going to do, for I am about to do a…

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Being Determined Isn’t Enough

Being determined isn’t enough, you also have to be diligent! I’m in the book of Ecclesiastes for my quiet time and ran across a verse that jumped out to me.  Ecclesiastes is a fascinating book in the Bible.  Here you have Solomon, who was the wisest and richest man in…

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