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Where is your giving rooted?

On Sunday, we continued our vision series called “Vacation” by talking about giving!  Generosity and vision go hand in hand.  I’ve never seen a vision fulfilled without generous people committed to it, and the same is true with the church. [Tweet “Generosity and vision go hand in hand. I’ve never…

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I Heart Cheyenne Recap

For one week in August the people of Element Church went ALL OUT to show God’s love to our city in tangible ways.  From “just because” acts of generosity, like giving out free ice cream sandwiches, to “because it’s just” events like the Back To School Bash, which served families…

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Element Church: Volunteer Of The Week

Marley WorleyHey Element Church!  Meet Marla.  She is this week’s Volunteer Of The Week.

Marla is dedicated, dependable and always willing to lend a helping hand in many different areas of the church! She is a vital part of connecting with First Time Guests and steps in and helps wherever and whenever she is needed in the Office. She is a joy to be around and truly has a servant’s heart.

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Jesus has a horrible reputation

In some ways that is true in our culture today isn’t it?  Maybe it’s not Jesus that has a bad reputation though, as much as it is his church. On Sunday here at Element Church we continued our sermon series called “Vacation: Driven toward a destination.”  This is a series…

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Baptism Sundays

Hey Element Church!  We have a great next step for some of you coming up the next two Sundays (September 27th & October 4th) called Baptism.  Baptism is the outward public expression of what Christ has done on the inside of our hearts.  Baptism does not save us, but it…

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