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Get Off The Ledge

On Sunday at Element Church we continued our marriage series called “Happily Never Happened.”  I preached from Proverbs 5 and asked the question, “How do we pursue purity?”  In the message we said:  Pleasure is not the opposite of purity but the outcome of pursuing it!  If we would let…

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You Choose Sunday

Coming up on Sunday, November 15th at Element Church we are doing You Choose Sunday.  What does that mean?  It means that you select the worship set and you select the sermon content.  We are surrendering the control of the Sunday service over to you!  If you click on the…

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I’m Going Hunting

On Sunday at Element Church we continued our sermon series on marriage and relationships called “Happily Never Happened.”  In this message, we talked about pursuing the right purpose in marriage by saying: “Passion without the right purpose will only lead to problems.” [Tweet “Passion without the right purpose will only…

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You Need To STOP Praying

Sometimes you can’t pray your way out of discouragement you have to praise your way out of it. [Tweet “Sometimes you can’t pray your way out of discouragement you have to praise your way out of it.”] The other day I was reviewing one of my favorite memory verses when…

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