One of my new goals is to write book reviews for books that I read and I just finished one while I was on vacation a few weeks ago that was fantastic. The book is called “Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austin…
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Hey Element Church! Meet Buddy. Buddy is this week’s Volunteer Of The Week! Buddy has an amazing story of redemption and renewal through Jesus Christ and shares it regularly with people that need to hear it. Buddy finds his identity in Christ and that is an inspiration to so many.…
Comments closedGod calls people home but we need to clear the pathway for them. [Tweet “God calls people home but we need to clear the pathway for them. “] Recently I read through Isaiah in my personal devotions when I read this verse: Isaiah 57:14 God says “Rebuild the road! Clear…
Comments closedI’m always looking at life through the lens of leadership and ministry. It’s a sickness really. My wife and I watch TV shows like The Profit and Shark Tank and she’s probably sick of me comparing things in those shows to leadership and ministry. Seriously though, The Profit has such…
Comments closedThis week is one of my favorite weeks of the whole year. I love the holiday season and it all begins this week with Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has the trifecta of holiday cheer…Family, Football & Food! Come on church! So, being the kind of pastor that likes to alliterate everything or…
Comments closedHere is my final re:post from a 2010 string of blogs after the 33 Chilean miners were rescued after being trapped for 69 days. You can read the other three posts on the home page of the blog: It sure seems, at times, like we do pretty much everything we…
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