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Jesus Prayed For Me!

On Sunday at Element Church we continued our sermon series called “Fences: Living beyond the boundaries”.  In this series, we’re talking about what it looks like to live beyond, even tear down some fences we have created in life that keep us from living in the wide open expanse of life that Jesus offered us.  He called it, “Life to the fullest”!

I preached from the prayer of Jesus in John 17, and how Jesus lived beyond the fences in His prayer life. This prayer was prayed on the same night that Jesus would be arrested, tortured, and nailed to a cross where he would die for the sins of the world. It was so moving to me as I prepared for the message to remember that while Jesus was on his way to the cross He paused to pray for me. He paused to pray for you, too!

Jesus didn’t just pray for the disciples in this prayer, He prayed for all who would ever believe in His name (John 17:20).  It was a prayer, born out of a context of pain, suffering, and problems.  The disciples were about to face the worst possible thing in life. Jesus had told them (and us) that in this world we would face many trials and sorrows. On the eve of one of these sorrows, Jesus prayed a beautiful prayer over all His followers.

In this clip here, I talk about how Jesus prayed for our protection.  The big idea for this message was: In our problems and in our pain, Jesus is present and He already prayed.  Again, it was so encouraging for me to be reminded this week that Jesus has already prayed for me.  You can watch full sermons and services HERE.

In our problems and in our pain, Jesus is present and He already prayed. Click To Tweet