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Why Should We Grieve Over Sin?

This past week at Element Church we ended our series called “Love Is Louder: Rising Above The Noise”.  The whole series has been based out of 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter, and has been a challenge to us in how we respond to certain things in our lives.

Love is patient and kind in our response to what’s done to us or around us. Love is not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude, especially in our response to not getting things we want or seeing someone else have something we believe we deserve.  Love keeps no record of being wronged so it forgives even those who have offended or hurt us in the worst of ways.

The final look at love was in our response to sin. We said, “The way we respond to sin in this life reveals the depth of love we have in this life.”  The truth is, the deeper God’s love get’s rooted in my heart then the greater my reaction towards sin will be.  So, we asked the question, “How should we respond to sin?”

The way we respond to sin in this life reveals the depth of love we have in this life. Click To Tweet

In the clip below, I offer the first challenge that love grieves over all sin.  You can watch full services HERE.