Who is God?
I’m not talking about who you think He is, but who He really is. What does Scripture say about Him?
There are so many descriptions of God in the Bible we could look at, but I read one recently that I don’t think has ever stood out to me before.
Isaiah 33:22 says, “For the Lord is our Judge, our lawgiver, and our king. He will care for us and save us.”
What a great description of God. And you need all of that verse together for it to mean the most.
If you just have God as a judge, that’s not very comforting. In fact, it’s terrifying.
If He’s only a lawgiver, what good is that? Then God just becomes a glorified hall monitor, politician, or speed trap.
If He’s a King, but not a caring King, well that’s no good.
But He’s all those things AND He will care for us and save us. WOW! Let that sink in.
God is our judge and we should fear Him.
He is our lawgiver and we should obey Him.
He is our King and we should respect Him.
But as Judge, lawgiver, and King, He is also caring and will save us, therefore we love Him!
He is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry, and filled with unfailing love! (That’s from the Bible by the way!)
Don’t view God as ONLY judge, ONLY lawgiver, or ONLY King. That leads to a distorted view of God. He is all those things but He always operates from a mode of caring and saving. Always! It’s who He is!
Who is God? He is a caring and saving Judge, Lawgiver, and King! That’s why we can trust Him.