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Have We Stopped Affecting The World?

This past Sunday at Element Church we started a brand new series called, “Fences: Living Beyond The Boundaries”.  In this series, we’re talking about living beyond the fences in life that keep us from experiencing the full life God has for us.

We are meant to live significant lives, not small ones. So often though, we put up fences, or allow fences that keep us from living in the expanse that God has for us. God only allows fences to protect our hearts, never to limit them.

It seems however, that as the Church these days, we’re living behind the fences.  In this clip, I challenge us as the Church to not hide behind the fences we have created, but to live beyond them by impacting our world.  “Have we become so afraid of being infected by the world that we’ve actually stopped affecting the world?”  That is the question we have to answer. (You can watch full sermons HERE)

Have we become so afraid of being infected by the world that we've actually stopped affecting the world? Share on X