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Financial Learning Experience with Joe Sangl

Sign up now to attend the Financial Learning Experience with Joe Sangl from I Was Broken, Now I’m Not this Sunday at 6:00 PM at Element Church. ⁠

Go to and click on Financial Learning Experience. ⁠

The event is FREE and is open to anyone. Dinner and childcare are FREE as well. ⁠

All we need from you is to register for the event, show up, and start winning with your money. ⁠

Joe is the best communicator on money management that I have ever heard. He brings so much passion, excitement, fun, inspiration, and hope to an otherwise hopeless and dry topic. ⁠

Each year I learn something new from Joe and I can’t wait to learn with you this week.

The event begins at 6:00 PM. Doors open and dinner begins at 5:00 PM.