This past Sunday at Element Church we continued a sermon series called “Confessions Of A Pastor.” In this series, I’m just being honest with some struggles in my own life in the hopes that maybe it can help people overcome struggles in theirs. This week’s confession was, “I’ve wanted to quit being a pastor on more than one occasion…even at Element Church.” If you’ve lived very long, you’ve come to a place where you want to throw in the towel or do something different, anything different with your life. What do you do when you experience that? That’s what we talked about in this sermon.
The big idea was, “The desire to quit is not the problem, actually doing it is.” So if quitting is the problem, how do we keep from giving up? We looked at John 12:20-28 which is a story of where Jesus, at the very least brought up the question, “Should I throw in the towel?” One of the things we saw in this story that kept Jesus from giving up was the fact that He knew His purpose! He knew what He was placed on the earth to do. But what if you don’t know what God’s called you to do? In this clip I talk about that. I challenge us to stop concerning yourself with God’s will for your entire life and start living out His will for your every day. You can watch full sermons HERE.
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