If you’re looking at taking your finances to the next level in 2016, then you need to be a part of these two incredible opportunities coming up at Element Church. On Monday and Tuesday, February 1st and 2nd, Joe Sangl from I Was Broke Now I’m Not is going to…
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Hey Element Church! This is Rick and he is this week’s Volunteer Of The Week! Rick is one of the many dedicated volunteers we have serving in the church who is almost completely behind the scenes. Rick is one of our camera operators on the tech team, as well as…
Comments closedThis week at Element Church we are starting a new sermon series called “Prepare.” When it comes to faith, family or finances most people have some idea of where they’d like to be in the future. We know where we want to end up, but we don’t always do the hard…
Comments closedI want this to define my “asks” in 2016. By the way, be very careful how you say that word in quotations. HA! I wrote this blog back in August, but thought as we close out 2015, it would be a good reminder as we start asking God for things…
Comments closedHey Element Church! 2015 has been an incredible year for us and it’s hard to believe we are two days out from closing the books on it! First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who has been so generous this year. Because you are a faithful and generous people,…
Comments closedHey Element Church! Meet Hannah. She is this week’s volunteer of the week! Hannah serves in our Fusion youth ministry (6th-12th graders). Brendan, our youth pastor at Element, said: “The first time I met Hannah I could instantly see her passion for youth, and her passion for God. Having her…
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