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You Should Act More Like A Child

Jesus doesn’t want us to be childish in our faith, He wants us to be childlike.

This past Sunday at Element Church we celebrated Mother’s Day by talking about being childlike.  In Matthew 18, the disciples ask Jesus, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”  Jesus responds by bringing a child among them and saying, “Unless you become like this little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”

Being childish comes easy right?  That’s natural.  Being childlike is different.  A childlike faith is supernatural.  It’s something God does in us so that His love and life can be shown through us.

Jesus doesn't want us to be childish in our faith, He wants us to be childlike. Share on X

We asked the question, “How should we act more like children?”  In the clip below, I talk about how we should rely like kids.  You can watch full sermons HERE.