Episode 10 of the Infuse Leadership Podcast is now available on iTunes, on our website HERE and also right here on the blog. The title of this episode is “Tricking People To Follow Jesus.” This was actually born out of a question one of our listeners turned in, so we are super excited about that. On this episode we talk about how to lead people to Jesus in an environment where you’re not really allowed to do that. In the secular work environment, how can a believer lead someone to Jesus without being overt in their conversation?
To help us out we brought in two special guests. Pastor Derek Mowery is currently the Executive Pastor at Element Church but before he was in ministry he served in management in the Kroger Grocery store for around 10 years. Todd Halvorson is a volunteer leader here at Element Church, serving on our Leadership Council, and is currently the store manager for Michael’s craft store here in town. He has been in management at Michael’s for 18 years. Pastor Jared Bayless, our regular host on the podcast, also stepped in as a guest as well.
Derek, Todd and Jared offer some great advice and insight into leading people to Jesus in this podcast. As they each share personal stories and successes I think you’ll be inspired to be more intentional about leading people to Jesus in whatever environment you find yourself in. You can listen to Part 1 HERE or follow any of the provided links.
The links to listen are below, as well as some key thoughts from the Podcast. If you use iTunes, please rate and review the podcast to help spread the word about what God is doing!
Apple iTunes link HERE.
Online link HERE.
1. The Holy Spirit is involved in the process of evangelism but so is our enemy — Derek talked about how spiritual conversations were constantly interrupted. When you’re at work you have a job to do and it needs to get done so when a checker is needed up front you have to go. He mentioned that often times, in the middle of deep spiritual conversations, they would be interrupted never to come back to it again. It’s good to remember that God is involved in this whole process but we also need to remember that the enemy is as well.
[Tweet “The Holy Spirit is involved in the process of evangelism but so is our enemy”]
2. You might be a part of someone’s salvation without being there for the actual salvation moment — Jared mentioned that in the process of someone coming to Jesus, if you broke it down into steps, you might be step one and not ever see the tenth step. Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t a part of the final moment of salvation, you were still a part. We are told in Scripture that, “7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work.” — 1 Corinthians 3:7-9
[Tweet “Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t a part of the final moment of salvation, you were still a part.”]
3. “When you’re in the workplace you’re going to hear some growls” — Todd talked about remembering when you’re in the workplace that you are in the lions den. Everything isn’t going to go perfectly when you try to bring Jesus into the conversation. Not everyone wants Jesus to be in the conversation. You need to be prepared to hear some growls when you’re in the lions den. Jared mentioned something he heard from a pastor, “God did not rescue the people FROM the trials he rescued them IN the trials.” In order to see lives transformed you may have to walk through a trial.
[Tweet “In order to see lives transformed you may have to walk through a trial. “]
4. If you stay on task you can typically stay out of trouble — In talking about avoiding the “gutter level” staff that happens in the work place, Derek made a great observation about just staying on task. He noticed that most of the time, the water cooler, locker room, gutter level conversations or activities took place in the margins of work. If people just choose to do their job and stay on task, they can typically avoid the trouble of being in those situations. He also added though, that in those times you find yourself in those situations, don’t condemn people for where they are16. Not everyone is accountable to the same behavior as you are as a believer. He talked about being a positive influence in those situations as well.
[Tweet “Not everyone is accountable to the same behavior as you are as a believer.”]
5. Ultimately, a healthy company is going to be good for all of us — Todd had some great insight for those in leadership positions in the work place. He talked steering people away from the gutter level conversations and activities by making sure he is teaming them up with the right people, placing them in the right positions and aligning everyone toward a common goal. If a goal is being pursued by everyone it can keep them out of the gutter. Todd said, “I’m not just a boss, I am a shepherd to a flock.” So good!
[Tweet “Ultimately, a healthy company is going to be good for all of us”]
6. “When I took the time to show that I cared abut my co-workers they weren’t offended when I bowed out of the raunchy conversations.” — Jared talked about intentionally showing that you care to those around you. It’s amazing how people begin to open up to you, or become more patient with you, when they know you care. “You can say a lot by not saying anything.”
[Tweet “You can say a lot by not saying anything.”]
7. You don’t have to be a preacher to lead people to Jesus — Derek gave some great advice on “being yourself” and “being real” in your relationships. People will spot a fake instantly. Work within your personality, being honest about your own mis-steps and God will provide opportunities to lead people to Jesus.
[Tweet “You don’t have to be a preacher to lead people to Jesus “]