Wherever God has placed you, He put you there for His purpose and for other people!
Sometimes in life and leadership, I think we view our placement in the wrong way. I look at the community where I live, the job I have, the house I live in, the people in my life and think that somehow it’s all about me. This is why it’s so easy for us to complain about all these things. It’s very easy to develop “the grass is greener” mentality in our life.
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The grass wouldn’t seem so green elsewhere if I truly understood why I’m where I am today. Could it be that the community I live in is exactly where God wants me to be right now? Could it be that the job I have is right where God wants me to work? Could it be that the people in my life are there to invest in and not receive something from?
In 1 Kings, the Queen of Sheba visited Solomon in his palace. Solomon, the wisest and wealthiest man the world had seen to date, and possibly has seen since. After her visit, the Queen said that what she heard about his splendor didn’t compare to what she truly saw. But look at her words in the following verses. More than his wealth, power and fame, she spoke some words of truth that I think applies to all of us today.
1 Kings 10:8-9 8 How happy your people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom! 9 Praise the Lord your God, who delights in you and has placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king so you can rule with justice and righteousness.
The last time I read this, the final phrase caught me. “Because of the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king…” Not because of the Lord’s eternal love for you, Solomon. Not so you could have all the benefits and blessings of being King. Not so everyone would look at your grass and wish they had what you had. Because of the Lord’s love for Israel, he made you king.
If you don’t have the right perspective you’ll miss the purpose of your presence. That wherever God has placed you, He has put you there for His purpose and for other people.
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Because of the Lord’s eternal love for my wife, He made me her husband.
Because of the Lord’s eternal love for my kids, He made me their father.
Because of the Lord’s eternal love for my co-workers, He gave me this job.
Because of the Lord’s eternal love for my neighbors, He put me in this house.
Because of the Lord’s eternal love for my city, He put me in this town.
Friends, this changes everything! Can you see how this perspective changes how I look at life? God has placed me in every position of life for His purpose and for other people!
God, help me to live in this perspective.