This past Sunday at Element Church, we continued our sermon series called “First” talking about putting God first in our fellowship! In the Church today, I believe there are lots and lots of people who are present in the Church, they may even participate with the crowd, but they have yet to put God first in their fellowship. God isn’t first when it comes to Church.
The ministry of the Church is not limited to the gathering on Sunday, but it is launched from there. It’s out of our gathering in a building where we worship God together in song, listen to a message from God’s Word and serve one another with our gifts that we are encouraged, inspired and equipped to go out of the building with the message and ministry of Jesus.
[Tweet “The ministry of the Church is not limited to the gathering, but it is launched from there.”]
Obviously, this starts with our attendance. We might disagree on what are really legitimate reasons to not go to church, but I understand that no one, me included, will be able to attend church all 52 weeks of the year. However, I do believe and will make no apologies for it, that if you are a Christian, the gathering of God’s people like we have on Sunday should be at the top of our priority list each and every week. It shouldn’t be an easy decision for us not go to Church. But this is so much deeper than our attendance.
[Tweet “The gathering of God’s people on Sunday should be at the top of our priority list!”]
In fact, the big idea on Sunday was “My attitude, more than my attendance reveals what is first in my fellowship!” As I stated above, I can attend Church without making God first in my fellowship. So if my attitude is more important than attendance, what is the right attitude in my fellowship? That’s what we tried to answer from Romans 12:3-21.
[Tweet “My attitude, more than my attendance reveals what is first in my fellowship!”]
In this clip below, I talk about my care for the body (Church). When I have the right attitude, I will want to care for the body of Christ. I talk here about the value of being involved in a small group to live out this care in our lives. If you haven’t signed up for a small group yet this season, you can do so HERE.
You can watch full sermons HERE.