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Episode 047: Twinning Is Winning Part 2

In this episode, my twin brother Jeremy joins me as we answer some questions from our listeners. Really, we spend about 40 minutes making fun of each other, but either way, I think you’ll enjoy. Go back to Episode 017 to see Jeremy’s first appearance on the podcast.

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Episode 046: Wish Upon A Star (Our wishes for humanity in 2023)

In this episode, we talk about our wishes for humans in 2023. Things we wish we could all get better at doing. 1. Conversation instead of condemnation 2. Unity without uniformity John 17:20-23 20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe…

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Episode 044: The Best Parenting Decision We Ever Made

In this episode, Sabrina and I talk about the best parenting decision we ever made. Creating moments over giving momentos. Good times over gifts. Our presence over giving presents.  We talk through how we chose to honor our kids on their birthdays with this decision, doing some big things on…

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