This past Sunday at Element Church we finished up a sermon series called “Fences: Living beyond the boundaries.” In the series, we’ve been talking about what it looks like to live beyond, even tear down some fences we have created in life which keep us from living in the wide-open expanse of life that Jesus offers. He called it, “Life to the fullest”.
We ended the series by answering the question, “What kind of faith should I show?” As we live outside the fences in life, what should our faith look like? We said, “A convincing faith is not found in what I say, a convincing faith is found in what I show.”
A convincing faith is not found in what I say, a convincing faith is found in what I show. Share on XIn this clip here, I talk about showing a protected faith. An unprotected faith is just as ineffective as a hidden faith. You can watch full sermons HERE.