Living in the light is a choice we have to make, not an advantage to our faith.
I sometimes think in our faith, we can become complacent, thinking that just because we believe in Jesus, it will be easy to walk in the light.
But walking in the light doesn’t just happen; it’s a choice.
1 John 1:7 says, But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.
Notice the qualifier…IF! If we are walking in the light. It’s a choice.
Because of that, I have a declaration of Truth I say over my life about it.
Truth statements have become one of the key spiritual disciplines which help me replace the enemy’s lies with the Truth of God’s Word.
Every one of my declarations is rooted in Scripture. This one is rooted in 1 John 1:7. I want to choose the light, so I say it out loud: I will live in the light!
Truth statements are much more than self-help or positive affirmations. Truth statements are just that…TRUTH!
Scripture tells us that the enemy is the father of lies. He uses those lies to distract us, derail us, and destroy us. The only way lies are defeated is by replacing them with Truth.
I will live in the light!
Say it! Believe it! Live it!