Happy anniversary…actually, Happy Podcastiversary to The Naked Party Time Podcast.
Episode 024 and our celebration of one year as a podcast is up and ready to consume!
Sabrina and I talked about the last year on the podcast, answered questions from our listeners, and shared some comments that were made about the podcast as well.
We also announced the first two winners of a total of $250 in gift cards and we shared how you can win $50 and $100 yourself.
To enter to win a $50 gift card, tag someone else in the comments of our social media post of this episode, or any upcoming posts about this episode as well.
To enter to win a $100 gift card, you need to create your own post about this episode and tag me and Sabrina in it. @jeffgmaness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. @sabrina.maness on Instagram and @sabrina.akersmaness on Facebook. In your post, all you need to do is point people to where they can listen to the podcast and share a positive comment about it.
If you haven’t yet, you can watch or listen to the entire podcast on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, or my website.
Please subscribe, like, rate, review, and share to help spread the love.
If this podcast has positively impacted you, or if you have questions you’d like us to answer, we’d love to hear about it. Please reach out to us on social media, or you can email us at hello@jeffmaness.com