Hey Element Church! Meet Noah, this week’s Volunteer of the week. Noah was nominated by our Community Pastor, Steve, who said this: “Noah is one of the most selfless people I know. He serves in many capacities here at the church and does so with a HUGE smile on his face. He loves to serve others and doesn’t want anything in return. Noah is young and leading the charge for teenagers at Element Church by his service. Noah, in the past 12 months, has started attending a group at the church called OneReach and is now serving along side them on Sundays at the depot serving our local street population on the second and fourth Sundays of every month. Again, I think it’s rare to see this type of service in this age bracket and I am extremely proud of him.”
Noah has been attending Element since April, 2015, with his parents and brother. He loves camping, video games and hanging with his friends. When asked why he serves at Element, he said, “I love serving at church. I serve because it gives me an opportunity to share my faith with others. I have just recently been volunteering with e:kids and it allows me to pour myself into those younger than me and be an example for them to follow.”
Noah, I am so proud of you man! I wish I had your heart for serving the Kingdom when I was your age. Thank you for leading the way in modeling a servants heart. What you do MATTERS!