On Sunday at Element Church we started a new series called “Decision 2016: Escaping the political paranoia”. In this series we are talking about the “decisions” we need to make this election season. Paranoia is in full effect. Now, maybe more than ever, we are asking questions like, “What are…
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On Sunday at Element Church we concluded our series called “Don’t Be A Fan”. In this series we’ve been looking at what it means to truly follow Jesus. We don’t want to be fans of Jesus = Enthusiastic Admirers. We want to be followers of His. This week I preached…
Comments closedI LOVE the Broncos but I cheer for the Raiders. You won’t hear a true Bronco fan ever say that, right? Why? Because Bronco fans don’t cheer for the Raiders and that illustration helped us this last weekend at Element Church as we talked about what it truly means to…
Comments closedJust one “t” in that word by the way and that one word, “but,” was a BIG word in our sermon on Sunday at Element Church. We concluded our sermon series called “Labels”, based out of 1 Peter 2:9-11. We’ve been talking about how when we clearly know who we are…
Comments closedThat was a lens I used on Sunday at Element Church to talk about a specific issue as we continued our sermon series called “Labels: Living in our true identity”. In this series we are talking about WHO we are in Christ because we believe in Him. The whole series is…
Comments closedOn Sunday at Element Church we continued our sermon series called “Labels: Living in our true identity”. We’re looking at four different labels found in 1 Peter 2:9-11. This last week we talked about the fact that, as children of God, we are Royal Priests. But what in the world…
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