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Category: Faith

How Small Is Your Faith?

If faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, how small is your faith? Often times, we think of our faith needing to be big!  Now, I’m all for having a big faith that causes us to dream big dreams and take big risks.  I’m all for that!…

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Baptism Sundays

Coming up the next two Sundays, October 8th and 15th, Element Church will be celebrating baptisms.  Baptism is your next step after putting your faith in Jesus.  It is the public declaration of a private decision that you made to follow Christ. Here at Element Church, we do not believe…

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Am I Really Devoted To God?

True faith is not just devoted because times are good, true faith is devoted because God is good! [Tweet “True faith is not just devoted because times are good, but because God is good! “] On Sunday at Element Church we kicked off a new sermon series called “Walk This…

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Baptism Sunday (May 7th)

Coming up this Sunday, May 7th, we will be having baptism in all three services at Element Church.  Baptism is an outward expression of what God has done for you on the inside of your heart, washing you clean and making you new. Last Sunday we celebrated 34 people going public…

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