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Am I Showing What I Say?

This past Sunday at Element Church we started a new sermon series called “19” as we kick off 2019. In this series, we are walking through Psalm 19 in the Bible which gives some incredible insight and inspiration that can help motivate our lives in this new year. This week, we talked about the purpose of life. We said,  “To get the most out of this life, I need to know the purpose of this life.”

To get the most out of this life, I need to know the purpose of this life. Share on X       

In the opening parts of Psalm 19, through King David, God uses nature to talk about the purpose of life. Now, David never says, “this is the purpose of life,” but I think we were able to see the correlation between nature and ourselves.

In the clip below I talk about how we are not only to proclaim the glory of God, but we are also to produce good works for God. That what we say and what we show need to match up. You can watch full sermons online HERE.