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Grace & Truth Series (All Church Fast)

It’s not normal that I would cast vision for a sermon series at Element Church when it’s still four Sundays away, but this one is the exception. Starting Sunday, February 3rd, we will be doing a sermon series called “Grace & Truth.” This series is built around the conversation of faith, gender, and sexuality.

There is not a more relevant and important conversation happening in our world today than the one over gender & sexuality. The opinions that surround this conversation and the emotions it carries are vast and they are very strong, especially as it pertains to LGBT people. How should the church respond? What does the Bible say and what does the Bible mean about what it says?

More than the church needs to be right about what we believe, we need to be right in how we respond. This is about people first! In this series, we are going to join the conversation about faith, gender, and sexuality which collides at the intersection of Grace and Truth.

More than the church needs to be right about what we believe, we need to be right in how we respond. Click To Tweet

Because of the incredibly sensitive nature of this series, I’m challenging our church to join me on a 19-Day Fast as we prepare. In the video below I take about 10 minutes to not only talk about the fast but also about the sermon series and what we should expect.

Please take 10 minutes to watch the video and share it as an invitation as well. You can download the fasting document I mention in the video HERE. The fast starts on Tuesday, January 15th and we will break the fast on Sunday, February 3rd when we start the series.
