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Four Things To Do In This Time Of Uncertainty

Hey Element Church!

In the message I shared with you on Sunday, I challenged us to do four things in this time of uncertainty. We can’t control the government. We can’t control the testing. We can’t control the school district. We definitely can’t control this virus. Here are four things we can control and I’m challenging all of us to do these things:

1. Pray — I started our Graverobber series that we are in by challenging us that prayer is not our last resort, it is our first and ongoing resort. In this time of overwhelming uncertainty, we must lead everything we do with prayer.

Prayer is not our last resort, it is our first and ongoing resort. Share on X

We need to pray for those who are infected, that God would provide healing. Pray for those who are not infected, especially the most vulnerable, that God would protect them. Pray for the medical and health professionals who are serving those who are sick. Pray for the financial crisis this is causing in many people’s lives, that God will provide. Pray for our government leaders, that God would give them the wisdom to make the impossible decisions they are making.

Please pray for us, your church leaders as well. We are trying to make the best decisions we can to continue ministering to our people and community, while also leading the way in helping to stop the spread of this viciously contagious disease.

I’m reminded of 2 Chronicles 20:12. This is how I feel as we fight this virus. “O our God, won’t you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.”

We don’t know what to do, but we are looking to God for help.

2. Give — Just because we are not having church in person doesn’t mean the needs shut down. If you regularly give to God through Element Church, or whatever church you attend, I would ask you to continue doing what you already do. Thankfully, over 70% of our giving is already done online. That means that as we move forward in this season, we can continue to give that way.

If you aren’t giving digitally and you would like to, you can go to and set it up there. You can also download the Pushpay mobile app on any smart device and follow the instructions there to set up digital giving.

Just so you know, we are in a great place financially as a church. Because of the financially conservative disciplines we put in place, we have a very healthy financial reserve for seasons like this. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, we are good. But we still have bills to pay and ministry still needs to be done. I believe we are going to have some incredible opportunities through this season to serve our community, especially those most vulnerable, with some radical acts of generosity.

Just because we don’t gather as God’s people doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give. My giving isn’t based on if I go to church or not. I tithe because it belongs to God, and I give it to Him through my church as an act of worship and a sign that I trust Him! I challenge you, no matter what church you attend, if you are a Christian, keep giving as the Lord has asked us to.

Just because we don't gather as God's people doesn't mean we shouldn't give. My giving isn't based on if I go to church or not. Share on X

3. Serve — As opportunities arise to serve your neighbor or the community, do it! We have some serving opportunities coming up at Element Church with the food pantry that I think is going to be a massive need. Be watching for ways through our church that you can serve.

If you have people in your circle of influence who are elderly, or vulnerable, please reach out to them and ask what you can do. Offer to run errands for them, pick up supplies, or simply to pray for them. We are the Church and it’s time for us to shine.

4. Connect — Don’t disconnect through this time. I know that we may be asked to have social distancing, but this doesn’t mean that we should be disconnecting. In fact, we should connect even more.

I know that we may be asked to have social distancing, but this doesn't mean that we should be disconnecting. In fact, we should connect even more. Share on X

Stay connected to God first! Now more than ever, we need to be connected to God through His Word, through prayer, and through worship.

Stay connected to the church. As long as we need to, and as long as its recommended, we will offer online content and online worship for our people. When the doors re-open, and they will, I want all of us to jump right back in 100%. At this time, we need each other. We need to not just come to church, we need to BE the Church.

Jesus said, “I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” (Matthew 16:18) 

The powers of hell cannot stop the Church. Financial calamity cannot stop the Church. Political decisions cannot stop the Church. No virus on the planet can stop the Church. This is our time. This is our moment. How will we respond?

Pray. Give. Serve. Connect. Those things we can control. Will you join me in them?