It’s time to start spreading the news…no I’m not leaving today (bad joke), but we are adding a new worship experience at Element Church starting on Sunday October 14th.
I shared the news the past couple of Sundays, but would love for you to help spread the news by sharing this or passing it along to someone as an invitation. Coming up on Sunday, October 14th, we will be adding a fourth worship experience to our schedule.
The new times will be 8:30 AM // 10:00 AM // 11:30 AM // 6:00 PM.
All four services will be exactly the same, we are just adding a new time in the morning to create space in our most attended services. So far this year we have experienced record attendance as a church. We have already seen nine non-holiday Sundays over 1600 people in attendance, four of those being over 1700. We have only had 1600 people on a regular Sunday one other time in the history of our church.
In the clip below I took some time in my message two weeks ago to cast vision for why we are doing this and how we’re going to do it.
I’m excited about where God is taking us as a church! The fact that we need to create more space to reach more people is a great problem to have. There are plenty of churches in the opposite position. “Lord, help us steward this growth well and lead people to become more like You!”