Happy New Year Element Church! Don’t forget that we will NOT be having our regular Sunday worship experiences tomorrow on New Years Day. We are encouraging everyone to spend some extra time with their family, friends and loved ones. If you would still like to attend church tomorrow, please consider one of the amazing churches here in Cheyenne or in the surrounding area that you could choose to attend and worship with them. We will pick up our regular worship schedule next Sunday, January 8th with a message on knowing your purpose. Then on Sunday, January 15th we are kicking off a new sermon series called “CON-tentment: The lie about having more.” More is never the answer to contentment. In this series we are going to talk about the power of contentment, how do I become content and why is it so important to be content. All of us struggle in this area, me included, and it is way more than just about money. I hope to see everyone back on January 8th. Until then, have an amazing start to your New Year!