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Am I Thanking God As Much As Telling God!

This past Sunday at Element Church, we continued our Christmas Series called “Silent Night”.  In the series, we’ve been focusing on the idea of peace, and the peace Jesus came to bring into our lives.  So many times, whether it is in God’s silence, in our weakness or in our worry, peace is the furthest thing from reality!  We are so often tired, overwhelmed, anxious and afraid.

This week, I spoke on the issue of worry, depression, and anxiety.  These are very real, complex, painful and deep-rooted issues in people’s lives.  If you are dealing with anxiety and/or depression, please know, these things don’t make you a horrible person, they make you human.  All of our health, including our mental health, was affected when Adam and Eve sinned.  Each of us, whether it’s the everyday worries of this life or the diagnosed cases of anxiety and depression, deal with this on some level.

In fact, The opportunities to worry are constant, but God’s overwhelming peace is as well.  

[Tweet “The opportunities to worry are constant, but God’s overwhelming peace is as well.”]

That was our big idea of the day.  Reasons to worry are always there, but God’s peace is available too.  So, in our worry, how do we access God’s peace?  In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul gives us the answer to that question.  As I said in my sermon, nothing I share in this message will be an end-all solution for us, but it can be a starting point for all of us.

In the video below, I talk about thanking God for what He’s done, not just asking Him to do something for me.  It’s ok to tell God what I need, but will I also thank Him for what He’s already done?  You can watch full sermons HERE.