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I’m In Jail

IMG_8399I’m not actually in jail right now.  I’m not sure if I would have internet access to write a blog if I were in jail, but that’s a whole other issue.  “I’m in jail” is what many people would have to say when talking about the un-forgiveness they hold in their hearts. Un-forgiveness is a prison cell that we get trapped in with the people who offend or hurt us in this life.

This past Sunday at Element Church we continued our sermon series called “Mythbusters” and dealt with Myth #2:  Forgiveness means forgetting.  We said, “Forgiving does not forget what was done it frees us from holding on and holding against.” 

[Tweet “Forgiving doesn’t forget what was done it frees us from holding on and holding against.”]

I preached from Matthew 18:21-35 and asked the question, “How do I live in the freedom of forgiveness?”  In this clip, I talk about the first step to living in the freedom of forgiveness.  You can watch full sermons HERE.