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I Have Already Won The Victory

I belong to God. I have already won the victory because the Spirit who lives in me is greater than any spirit who lives in the world.
This is a Declaration of Truth I recently added to saying over my life. I now have 137 total Truth statements.
These have become one of the key spiritual disciplines which help me replace the lies of the enemy with the Truth of God’s Word. Every one of my declarations is rooted in Scripture:
1 John 4:4 But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.
Truth statements like these are much more than self-help or positive affirmations. Truth statements are just that…TRUTH!
Scripture tells us that the enemy is the father of lies. He uses those lies to distract us, derail us, and destroy us. The only way lies are defeated is by replacing them with Truth.
Say it! Believe it! Live it!
I belong to God. I have already won the victory because the Spirit who lives in me is greater than any spirit who lives in the world.