Shauna has been attending Element for 2 years after having learned about the church from her sister who attended the Wheatlnad campus. She is a vet tech and receptionist at a pet clinic. She likes being outside, being behind a camera, cooking, making crafts and reading.
When asked why she serves at Element, she said, “I started serving at Element, because I gave my word that I would if the 6pm service would continue. When I started attending Element, I worked every Sunday until 5pm or later, and was only able to attend the 6pm service. The summer that the 6pm service was discontinued was my first summer at element, and I struggled finding another way to get that fulfillment from church…..watching online was not an option for me. I have continued because I realized that I just love serving and helping people. I love that I am showing some small appreciation to My Father for all He does for me. I love seeing the change in someone’s countenance after they’ve entered the sanctuary, or sat through service, or have gotten a smile, a greeting, an open door, or a hug from another. I love seeing the change in someone that has gotten a single meal, today, or a piece of clothing or toiletry kit. I think it’s beautiful, and I’m honored to be able to see those things.”
Shauna, we love having you on our team! Thank you so much for all you do in so many different ways. You are a blessing to our church! What you do MATTERS!